terça-feira, 29 de janeiro de 2008


Today we started our lesson as usual. We had our 15 minutes of typing games and then we had an activity. We then finished our investigation on hardware and software...etc. That was actually all we did in this lesson.

terça-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2008


Today the first thing that we did was, we had out fifteen minutes of typing games. Maybe a little more time! after we did that, we uploaded my design cycle to the blog. it looks really cool! I did it all in different colours, like these pale colours. It looks nice though. after this we did another exercise that we have to finish today. I finished the activity and because I finished, I got to play the game I wanted! after we just wrote our process journal.

This is my design cycle!!!

sexta-feira, 18 de janeiro de 2008


Today we had our 15 minutes of typing games. After that we had a really fun activity. We went to microsoft word and we had a play around with ways of writing a cycle. We changed shapes and colours. I am going to put the cycle that I wrote presented on my blog too. doing this activity was a really fun way of learning how to do it!

terça-feira, 15 de janeiro de 2008


In the beggining of this lesson, as soon as we got to the it room, we sat down on our computers and went to the site of the typing games. We had 15 minutes of typing games. After that our teacher gave us an activity to do on microsoft word, 2007. We had a paper that the teacher has given to us and so we had to follow the instructions on the paper. After we did that we were given some free time if we had finished early. I did! So then we had the usual time to do our process jornals.

This lesson our teacher told us that at the beggining of each lesson we would always have a typing session of about 15 minutes. So the first thing that we did was that. After that we did a activity and the teacher talked to us about soemthings. After that as we ALWAYS do, we did our process jornal.