sábado, 19 de setembro de 2009

Hello, this was my second I.T lesson with miss.Castro. I think that this lesson went very well because i worked really well and got a big part of my introduction and investigation done already...maybe part of the fact that i worked better was because i talked much less then the lesson before even though in both lessons i got a very big part of my work done.

quinta-feira, 10 de setembro de 2009

Year 9

I have now started year nine in the beggining of this week and this was my first I.T class this year. The teacher that I am going to be having now for the rest of the year is Ms. Castro. In this first class we did a tutorial in the microsoft office site about access 2007 and we worked on finding out 4 manual ways of storing and organizing data. It went very well, and i think that my work will hopefully show that.